Saturday, June 18, 2005


How do I even begin to describe the day I have just had....? After sleeping in and having a delicious breakfast, I went kayaking on Lake Geneva with a bunch of people from the group. I could not stop gasping at the scenery. There was an enormous tree growing in the middle of the lake so we kayaked over. When I got to the tree (kind of like a willow), I paddled through some of the branches and underneath into this little area where the water was crystal clear and the sun was shining through the canopy..........SO AMAZING. The air was perfect, the water was perfect, the tree was perfect...AHGHHHH! How have I never seen these things before??? After staring at the tree for a good amount of time, I paddled out to the rest of the group and we connected our kayaks and swam around in the cool water. It was so refreshing and surreal. We kept asking each other "WHERE ARE WE?.....oh, that's right.....SWITZERLAND!"

Afterwards we took a bus back to the hotel and ate bread and cheese and cookies outside in the sun with a view of the mountains. I have never been more relaxed in my entire life. Then Michele, Zach and I wandered down to the lake to feed the ducks, but ended up swimming again and chatting on a bench in the fresh air.

Tonight we are going to a popular club in Laussane (do not know how to spell that), which should be fun. I think I will go lounge around now and take a nap....I can't believe I am saying all of this! I am in frikin GENEVA! Miss you all and I hope L.A. is sunny for you too.

Also, happy graduation, SEAN!!!


Anonymous said...

my dream is to go to switzerland. You know it is actually a confederation? can you believe that? anyways, I hope you took lots of pictures, and eat lots of chocolate. Maybe buy a knife or a clock. See you later.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I am so glad you are there.I can just imagine it. I love you.
Please let me know what you are planning to do on those five unplanned days. I worry for your safety. XOXOXO Mom