Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Barnstormers Promo!

Here's the video I just made for the camp!!!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

These are a few of my favorite things!

I can't focus at all today. Work is not an option. So, I've decided to write a list of things that I like:

1. Popping those plastic packing bubbles that you use to protect glass.
2. Picking wax off of candlestick holders. Also, pouring glue on your fingers, letting it dry and then picking it off. Also, sticking fingers in hot wax, letting the wax dry even though it burns and then picking it off.
3. Partially melted rocky road ice cream.
4. Getting out of the pool and lying on really hot concrete.
5. Christmas time in Seattle (think chai tea and freezing ferries).
6. Lightning and thunder when you're inside....rain too.
7. Bonfires/campfires of any kind, especially with guitars and good friends.
8. Post-it notes, paper clips, file folders, to-do lists and other organizer-type items that are arguably unnecessary.
9. Playing board games with wine. Well, with people...People that are drinking wine.
10. Ipod shuffles that fit my mood perfectly.
11. Honey Bunches of Oats with Almonds. I could eat that for every meal, every day for the rest of my life.
12. Meeting inspiring people who are passionate about what they do.
13. Listening to my brother play guitar.
14. Long walks leading to farmer's markets.
15. Blogging at work.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Dan O'Brien Alert #4

Dan O'Brien ACTUALLY checked my facebook profile today. I had to tell him how to do it, but it happened all the same.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Bad Apple

Matt Damon talks about Palin....

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Trim a little off the top

My hang up with plastic surgery is that it feels like cheating. When you're born, you are dealt certain cards and that should be IT. You shouldn't get to trade in a few of them to make your hand better...that is CHEATING. People should be learning to love their bodies exactly the way that they are. If they DON'T, they should be using the money they would have spent on surgery to see a therapist. Doesn't the desire to risk your life in order to fit social standards of beauty ("feel better about yourself" as many say) indicate that there's something emotionally wrong with you?

"I'm doing this for me...because I want to feel better about myself." A lot of women use these lines to pretend (to others and probably to themselves as well) that they don't care what other people think about their bodies. Bullllllllshit. That just cannot be true. Of COURSE you care about what other people think, are you superhuman? Even the most emotionally stable and confident people care at least a little about how they are perceived by others. Take apart that statement, "I want to feel better about myself"...Your solution to this problem is to lie down on a table, fall into a drug induced coma and allow a perfect stranger to take a knife to your FACE and BOOBS??? Aren't there less life-threatening ways to feel better about yourself?

Forget RISK, I haven't even gotten into why plastic surgery is absurd in terms of pure COST. (I know I am getting riled up when the caps lock comes in). Nose jobs cost anywhere from $3,000-$8,000. Breast Augmentation: $4,000. Liposuction: $8,000. Facelift= $9,000. Are you kidding me? Use that money to get a massage and read a good self-help book! Afterwards, you'll have a lot left over to use to, I don't know, make the world a better place? ANYTHING would be more worthwhile.

To be fair, I admit that I've thought about what fun it would be to change certain things about my body, but then I stop taking CRAZY LADY DRUGS and remember that the way I feel about myself on the outside is a direct reflection of how healthy I am on the inside.