Saturday, June 28, 2008

An Aching Kind of Growing...

I just read a really interesting passage in East of Eden that reminded me of something I distinctly remember going through as a child.

When a child first catches adults out - when it first walks into his grave little head that adults do not have divine intelligence, that their judgments are not always wise, their thinking true, their sentences just - his world falls into panic desolation. The gods are fallen and all safety gone. And there is one sure thing about the fall of gods: they do not fall a little; they crash and shatter or sink deeply into green muck. It is a tedious job to build them up again: they never quite shine. And the child's world is never quite whole again. It is an aching kind of growing.

I'm not sure exactly when it was that I realized this, but the feeling was very distinct and stuck with me. One random day, something made me realize that the adults in my life were not the all-knowing, super-human people that I always thought they were. I suddenly knew that there would not be a specific time/date when I would become an adult and I became very sad. It is a painful process to grow up and thinking about this only makes me worry more about our campers, who probably came to this realization much earlier in life than I did. I guess knowing the truth is a good thing, but neverthelss, it makes me sad to think about what a shortened childhood some of these kids have.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Please no!

Touch my body
Put me on the floor
Wrestle me around
Play with me some more
Touch my body
Throw me on the bed
I just wanna make you feel
Like you never did.
Touch my body
Let me wrap my thighs
All around your waist
Just a little taste
Touch my body
Know you love my curves
Come on and give me what I deserve
And touch my body.

8 year olds in the camp sing these Mariah Carey lyrics at the top of their lungs. SERIOUSLY??

Sunday, June 22, 2008

I wish today was tomorrow.

If today was tomorrow, I'd be done with the first day of camp and I'd be so much more at ease! I keep writing to-do lists, checking them off and then making more to-do lists. The only box left to check is "Do the first day of camp." What a beautiful box that will be to check.

I never realized as a kid how nervous my teachers must have been on the first day of school. I always thought it was only nerve-racking for the kids, but the teacher's the one who has to make everybody comfortable and happy. It's stressful!

I just hope that everything goes well, the kids get up in time for their carpool, enjoy the camp and go home safely.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My Super Sweet Sixteen...

...super friggin sucks. I used to think that show was amusing, but now it just makes me sick. I saw the end of an episode today and the birthday boy received a $16,000 check and an Escalade. $16,000???? That is almost HALF of what I make in an entire year. The kid barely even smiled when he got it. My friend suggested that they alter the show so that they get a huge Sweet Sixteen party and then they have to serve in the Army or the Peace Corps for two years afterwards. I'd watch that show.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Dan O'Brien Alert #2 (I swore I would keep this up and I will deliver on that promise)

Here are three interesting facts about my favorite Irish man:

1. He does not like beans and usually won't eat them
2. He is full of strange facts, which he whips out at even stranger times (He knows every movie that Edward Furlong was in!)
3. He thinks friendship is solidified when you can fart in someone's face.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Dan O'Brien Alert #1

Today, we discovered that Dan O'Brien is a "very sexy man".......check out this review:

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Seattle Sasquatch Extravaganza

A few weekends ago I went to an amazing music festival at the Gorge near Seattle with the lovely Pamela. It was a beautiful summer day and it made me miss Washington so much. We got to see Beirut, The Fleet Foxes, The New Pornographers, Dave Bazan (but only from afar between New Porno's set), M.I.A. and Okkervil River. The best act by far was Okkervil River (you can kind of see them in the pic below).

They completely rocked out and the entire audience was jumping around and singing along. The National was supposed to play, but their bus broke down on the way to the festival so they had Rainn Wilson come and talk to the audience for a few minutes instead. During the concert, we sat behind this girl who spent the entire show digging in her boyfriend's face. I am not kidding, she was digging around his face while he was just casually talking about something. This went on for hours. They practically never sat up to see the acts....she just dug around for hours.
Pam and I took off before Modest Mouse and REM because we're not huge fans and we wanted to beat the traffic, which was a reallllllly good idea in the end because it started to rain and the scary-dark drive back to Seattle took about 3 hours. Overall, I had such a good time. I wish Seattle was closer!