Sunday, March 23, 2008

Farewell Facebook

So I de-activated my facebook a few weeks ago. It feels so good! I had been thinking about doing it for awhile, but kept putting it off. It was only when I realized how much time I was wasting debating whether or not I should de-activate, that I realized I should not have to think this hard about a stupid website! So I quit. (Actually, Dan owns my profile, but it's basically the same). Hooray for shaking bad habits!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

When it rains, it pours

I feel like I am pretty good at counting my blessings, but I just have to say that 2008 has not been treating me well so far!

Get ready for an extremely long sentence:
First, I deal with the end of yet another relationship, which is just annoying and takes more time than I want/should be necessary, then I take on WAY too much at work to compensate for said end of relationship, which makes me horribly sleep deprived and out of shape so that I can barely drive straight, during which time, I have major surgery on my head to remove five cists (for some unknown reason, I assume this won't be a big deal because, well, I AM RETARDED) and I am knocked out for a solid week (shocker!) because the staples in my head are so tight that I can't lie down for more than two hours to sleep, during which time, the incisions get infected, which knocks me out for a few more weeks, all of this while still working 8am - 1am every day, which is more than I've ever worked in my life. THEN just as things start looking a little better and the head wounds are graduating from "infected" to "inflamed" and my sexy bald spots begin to appear (really boosting my confidence in the relationship department), weird situations develop at work, which are super distracting and not for online sharing, but nonetheless, lead to the decision to move away from the girls I've lived with for over 4 years, which might not sound that stressful, but that's probably because you don't know how poor I am, living on my own is definitely not a small undertaking, then to top allllll of that off, tonight I got MUGGED.

Yep, that's right. I got mugged. I was walking to my car behind the theatre after having coffee with a volunteer for the summer camp and heard someone running really fast behind me and saw a shadow on the wall. In the split second before he touched me, I thought, "Shit. This is what it's like to get mugged." And then I did. He grabbed my arm and swung me in a circle about three times, threw me on the ground and then ran off with my purse, wallet and cell phone. The whole time I was yelling "No" in a voice that didn't sound like mine and afterwards I was shaking like a leaf.

So basically, that's been my year so far. Despite all of this, I know how good I have it and I am so thankful for the things that I have and my wonderful family, but SERIOUSLY....CUT A BALD GIRL A BREAK!