Saturday, June 11, 2005

Jazz Club...

We listened to some live jazz last night that would make you want to lounge around and listen to music for the rest of your life. The trombone player was drunk though and ended up falling flat on his face and hitting his teeth. It was a bit scary, but the night continued on.

Today we wandered over to the Prague Castle and then walked through a beautiful park that looks over the whole city. We all get along so well! It is great to have 11 new friends. We chatted about funny things we did when we were little and I had a couple of stories to throw in there.

Music is a huge deal here in Prague so we are all trying to take advantage of that and see as many concerts as we can. I think I am going to go to the black light theatre too because that is apparently a Prague-ish thing to do....haha.....should be interesting.

I am feeling kind of sick today so I think I am going to go lie down for a bit. Hope all is well in L.A. and everywhere else (depending on who is reading this). Toods!


Anonymous said...

Love you Darbs......stay safe and get plenty of rest. The trip soulnd like it's going really well.

Everybody here is great. Sean graduates this week from SPHS. Sean and I went in on a very high end classical guitar for his grad present.

Love you sweets...Da

Anonymous said...

Hi Dar Dar!! Hope you are feeling better. Sean's Baccalaurette (sp?) is tomorrow.

Be safe. XOXOXOMom