Monday, July 28, 2008

Too quiet

So I was alllll excited for today because it's the first day off that I've had in a while, but now that it's here, I kind of hate it. I feel like I am going through withdrawal. I miss the screaming and the crying and the laughing and the questions. It's really weird. A camper called me today and I was so excited just to talk to her. Now I am lying on the couch in our living room and I've run out of things to do online. Thankfully, we have load-in for another show tomorrow. Soooo, it's back to the theatre I go.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Would You Rather...

Tomorrow is the last day of camp. I will not cry, I will not cry, I will not cry....
I think my favorite camper quotes happened today in the car while Andrew (a counselor) and I were driving the kids home....

Camper: Would you rather...lick peanut butter off a hobo's foot...or kiss Andrew??
(Andrew and I look @ each other - ARE THOSE COMPARABLE?!)

Camper: Would you a raw egg OR sleep with your ex-boyfriend?
Me (thinking): YOU ARE 9 YEARS OLD!

Camper (to Andrew): Would you rather...kiss a boy a smashed up face?

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Dan O'Brien Alert #3

Camper: Where does Dan live?
Me: Near the theatre.
Camper: Where does Culli live?
Me: With Dan.
Campers in unison: Ewwww...I bet their house smells like armpits!!!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

I Heart La Quinta

Lots of sun and a pool filled with bathwater....


...until it was too hot to sit down....

Overall, a pretty sweet 4th of July :-)

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Can't.... Sleep....

I have to wake up in less than six hours to go pick up the kids, but I can't force myself to fall asleep. I've tried pretty much everything. When I can't sleep, I usually check my email 86 times, close my computer, read, check my email again, close my computer, lie in bed thinking of everything I have to do tomorrow and concentrating on not checking my email again.

Today I interviewed each camper so that I could compile bios for their show program. My 3 questions:

1. What is an interesting/fun fact about you? My favorite answers included, "I am smart because I know a lot of things" (6 yr old)..."I was born good at math" (8 yr old) and "I think I will turn into a werewolf when I turn 13" (other 6 yr old).

2. What's your favorite thing about camp? "The counselors are pretty and handsome"..."Camp is a place where people respect me" (I am not making that quote up!)..."I get to pretend to be someone else for a while"....."My favorite thing about camp is Werewolf Boy!" (same 6 yr old above who thinks one of our counselors is a werewolf because he is hairy)

3. Who would you like to thank? "My baby turtle"

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Willy, Charlie & Veruca

Tomorrow (or today actually) we will tell the kids what part they will be playing. I really hope nobody cries!