Friday, October 17, 2008


Why do I love the show, Jon & Kate Plus 8 so much? I don't watch very much tv, but now that I have the DVR thing, I can't get enough of this show. It's about a husband and wife who have two sets of multiples: twins and sextuplets. Each episode is about something pretty basic..."Twins Turn 7," "Beach Trip," "Housekeeper Hunt" and so on. Sounds boring, but I swear it is the greatest show ever. I know every child's name. I even know their birth order. Am I just weird? What is it about this show that makes it so captivating?


Ok, so it's a few days after I started writing this entry. Since then, I've spent some time online researching the show and what people think about it. I was sad to find that there are some rumors (which seem pretty legit) that Kate is a psycho who has hired hands all over the place, cooking organic meals, folding laundry, playing with the kids, etc. That ruins the entire show! You're supposed to believe that they're a struggling family, but they're not and now I am upset.

There is really no purpose to this entry, I just wanted you to know that my Jon & Kate Plus 8 bubble burst.