Monday, November 17, 2008

Dan O'Brien Alert #5

Dan submitted for a role in the Vegas Cirque du Soleil show LOVE. Here's his submission video....and I'm in it too!

Monday, November 10, 2008

See the Sites

Here are some websites that I love and thought you might enjoy:

My friend, Jake, and two of his buddies created a site to explore why women are crazy. Sometimes, I must admit, we really, really are. If you need a laugh, go here.

This is a blog created by a husband and wife photography team based out of Seattle that shoots (among other things) engagement and wedding photos. Their stuff is beautiful and Sarah's music taste is awesome. If you need to see some pretty photos, go here.

My brother, Sean, ROCKS and his music is even better. He has been playing guitar since we were little kids and he is a constant source of inspiration for me. If you need to have your mind blown, go here.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

It feels like everyone in the world has already read this book and I’m happy to say that I’ve finally joined the club! Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff…and it’s all small stuff is a fantastic book by Richard Carlson about finding inner peace by keeping little things from taking over your life. The author provides 100 ways to calm down and learn to put things in perspective by making small daily changes.

I gobbled up everything he wrote about and was inspired to change my thought processes instantly, but I think Point #54 resonated the most, so I wanted to share it with you…

(This is the title of another book that I’ve also heard of, but never read)

The author explains that a common obstacle along the path to inner peace is our tendency to believe that if we were somewhere else – on vacation, with another partner, in a different career, a different home, a different circumstance – somehow we would be happier and more content. In reality, we wouldn’t! He explains, “The truth is, if you have destructive mental habits – if you get annoyed and bothered easily, if you feel angry and frustrated a great deal of the time, or if you’re constantly wishing things were different, these identical tendencies will follow you, wherever you go.”

My brain does this a lot. I often find myself ragging on Los Angeles and thinking that if I just lived in a different city, my life might be better, or if I finally went to grad school, I’d feel more accomplished, or if I worked in a different industry, I’d meet “better” people…this kind of wishful thinking can snowball in my brain endlessly. After reading this book and devoting some time to self reflection about my own thought processes, I’ve realized that the more I focus on being ok with where I am (instead of where I’d rather be), the more at peace I am with myself.

The author goes on to say, “Someone once asked me, ‘What are people like in California?’ I asked him, ‘What are people like in your home state?’ He replied, ‘Selfish and greedy.’ I told him that he would probably find the people in California to be selfish and greedy.”

This concept has really turned my thinking upside down. I hope that I can move forward feeling empowered by the knowledge that my attitude towards my surroundings and the people that I interact with will directly affect my experiences and my happiness with my current place in life.