Sunday, June 05, 2005


I haven't been able to get online to say happy birthday to my 20-year-old brother!!!! Hope things in Washington D.C. are going well Mike!

Paris is a blast. This leg of the trip is passing by so fast! It felt like we were in London for so long and now our time in Paris is flying by. Yesterday I went to the Louvre to see the Venus de Milo and Mona Lisa (and LOTS of other things!) with my friends Zach, Michele and Lizzy. After that we wandered over to Napoleon's grave and stopped at a cafe on the way. I ordered THE most disgusting sandwich ever and pouted about losing 10 Euros for it, especially since the food here is generally so good. After Napoleon's grave we lay down in a nearby garden and soaked in the sun until it suddenly started raining. We started to walk back to our hotel and proceeded to get extremely lost. I don't know what we did so wrong, but it took us a good 2 hours to find our way back home...we even ran into Christen again!

Anyway, by the time we got back we were hungry again so we got some gelatos. Oh my sweet God they were so delicious. Mom you would die for the gelatos here! There was a guy in the gelato shop though who was from Los Angeles and he was hitting on Michele. He was wearing rollerblades and made everyone uncomfortable. He gave Michele his card and he is apparently a lawyer.....kinda like DAD...hehehehe!!!!! Michele is half Japanese and for some reason the French are very perplexed about her ethnicity. People always come up and hit on her and ask her where she is from and call her "China Lady." It is pretty awkward for all of us.

Well, I am off to Versailles for the day!!!! OH, I haven't been able to figure out how to put pictures on here, but I am working on worries though because I am taking tons and tons of pictures!!!!! BYE!


Anonymous said...

hey darbles! miss you terribly! emmy comes home on wednesday so i'll have some distraction, but you are sorely missed.... especially since your "subleaser" is a fricken slob and a half!!!



Anonymous said...

Hi Darby, No gelatos for me for a while. I start six week boot camp tomorrow and am seriously trying to curb my chocolate addiction!!!!!Love finding out what you are experiencing. XOXO Mom