Monday, June 27, 2005

Fever in Paris

Well I made it safely to Paris, but realized I had been awake for 42 hours by the time I went to sleep. I woke up thinking I was sleeping on a bunch of pockets and realized I had a fever. Thank God I came to Paris because I called Kate and she and Dan took care of me. Today I feel much much better, but still a little strange. The more I sleep the better, so I am trying to do a lot of that.

Paris is not the same without the group, but it is still amazing and beautiful. Hopefully I can get back into the swing of things tomorrow. Miss you all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey darb,

Im pretty sick too. Doesnt it suck to be in a strange place and really sick. I hate it. Your trip sounds so much fun. We have to go to Ireland or something, maybe europe again if you want to do a second tour. Anyways, feel better and drink some tea, thats been helping me. Take care.
