Sunday, April 29, 2007


Sundays are so depressing to me, especially when it's grey outside. I have so much stuff I have to clean right now, but no motivation to do so. Ugh, it's already 4pm. I haven't done anything productive. Good job me! Why am I blogging right now?

Saturday, April 21, 2007

On the subject of relationships

I hate when people drop all their friends when they start a relationship. That's what you do when you're in high school and you're too naive to know how dumb that is. I mean, really. We're old enough now to understand that there is a balance. Being with each other 24 hours a day just can't be healthy.

Besides, when you get dumped or you break it off or cheat on each other, or i don't know....move to opposite sides of the world, you'll suddenly realize how few friends you've kept and then you'll be sad when none of them come running back....and you don't want that.

Friday, April 20, 2007

A year later

Wow. It's been almost two years since I have been on this thing. How different things are today than they were then! All of the seniors at USC are finished with classes in 4 days. 4 DAYS! That means it's been a year since I've graduated! An entire year of adulthood. NUTS.

Lots of things have changed.....I have a baby cousin now. Her name is Cocorro, which means "heart" in Japanese. It's hilarious to watch her grow. All of my other cousins are my age, so I can't get enough of how small she is. When you watch her, you can actually see her brain developing. She had her first real Easter this year and sort of understood the concept of hunting for eggs. We had to show her where they were, but she seemed to have fun grabbing them and putting them in her mouth. So did Cookie (our dog) who seemed to use the eggs as a elaborate scheme to get into the house. She would take an egg in her mouth, go up to the glass doors so I could see that she had an egg, and then dart into the house once i came outside to grab the egg from her. You'd think I would be able to outsmart old Mrs. Cookie and shut the door after me,'s like in 101 Dalmatians where all the owners are exactly like their pets....i'm kinda slowwwww like Cookie too.

Other things have changed, but they're pretty normal house, new job, new stuff going's ok, i don't need to tell you all of it. Anyway, I think I'll start keeping this up again on those nights where I find myself sitting and thinking too much so you'll prolly find out anyway.

I think i'll change the name of the blog though. gotta think of a good name!