Thursday, May 19, 2005

Today is the big day!

It is official. I am finally leaving! Yes, yes it is true. I toured around Whittier yesterday and said goodbye to my family. Sean played some guitar for me last night as I fell asleep. I love my brothers so much. I'll miss you too Mom and Dad!!! My flight is at 5:30pm today through Virgin Atlantic. We should be arriving in London at 11:45am so I better sleep on the plane (though I highly doubt I'll be able to). I have to memorize a Shakespeare sonnet on the flight because I am worried I won't have any other time to work on it before BADA starts on July 1st. I also have to make sure I know my monologue. On the first day of BADA we audition for the instructors again and they place us in either the advanced acting group or the beginning group. Man, I do NOT want to be in the beginning group.

We don't really have a meeting place at the airport today. I assume I am supposed to just go to the gate and find them. I'm sure it'll be fine. There are 11 girls, one guy and three professors going on the trip. Hopefully we'll all get along!!!

Alrighty, it is time for me to wrap up some odds and ends and annoy my mom...hehehe. I will miss all of you so much! Hope your summers go well! OH, also, if you would like to contact me while I am gone, my email address is I won't have my laptop but there are plenty of internet cafes. You can also comment on this blog without a password now. Ok, I'm off!


Anonymous said...

Have a great time, Dar Dar!!

Anonymous said...

I miss you so much darbles!! emily and i went to a kelly clarkson concert last night - it was awesome. thought of you!